Harga TBS di Sumut Tembus Rp3.717 per Kg Pekan Ini
MEDAN – Harga Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) sawit di Sumatera Utara (Sumut) tembus Rp3.700an per kilogram (kg). Kenaikan harga ini melonjak drastis dibandingkan pekan lalu. Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Perkebunan (Disbun) Sumut, Kamis (4/12/2024) harga TBS kelapa sawit periode 4-10 Desember 2024 mencapai Rp3.717 per kg, naik dibanding harga sebelumnya yang berkisar Rp3.581 per kg. […]
Karyawan Kebun Sawit PT Berkat Nabati Sejahtera Tewas Diterkam Buaya
PONTIANAK – Seorang wanita berinisial A (44) meninggal dunia usai diterkam buaya di area perkebunan kelapa sawit PT Berkat Nabati Sejahtera (BNS) di Desa Air Hitam Besar, Kecamatan Kendawangan, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar), Kamis (5/12/2024). Menurut keterangan saksi berinisial R (38) yang merupakan rekan korban bekerja, peristiwa tersebut terjadi saat korban dan saksi sedang […]
Kubu Raya Optimalkan DBH Sawit untuk Infrastruktur dan SDM
JAKARTA – Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Kubu Raya mengoptimalkan Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) Sawit untuk meningkatkan daya saing sektor kelapa sawit melalui pembangunan infrastruktur dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) melalui pelatihan bagi petani sawit. “Salah satu langkah konkret yang diambil adalah pelaksanaan pelatihan sertifikasi ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) selama tiga hari, dengan diikuti oleh […]
Kemenaker-Universitas Indonesia Susun Kebijakan Keberlanjutan untuk Industri Sawit
JAKARTA – Universitas Indonesia (UI) melalui Klaster Interaksi, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, dan Lingkungan Sosial Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan menyerahkan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk mendukung keberlanjutan di sektor minyak sawit kepada Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan (Kemenaker). Kepala Badan Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Ketenagakerjaan Kemenaker, Estiarty Haryani, mengatakan dokumen tersebut dapat menjadi masukan penting dalam menyusun kebijakan ketenagakerjaan yang lebih inklusif dan berkelanjutan. […]
Must-Have Amazon Chrome Extensions For FBA Sellers
As an Amazon seller, you have every reason to be competitive in your niche. You need the right tools to help you do that. Whereas other sellers will be running to install product research tools. These tools can eat into a lot of your time and resources. Luckily, Google has the solution to these challenges, […]
How to Make Money on Amazon: The 10 Easiest Jobs
If you haven’t jumped on the E-commerce train yet, you might be missing out on your next thousand bucks. E-commerce platforms like eBay, Etsy, Aliexpress, and others have been around for decades now, empowering people to become their bosses. The biggest of them all is Amazon, though. Amazon seller always use FBA Calculator to check […]
What You Need to Know About Amazon Listing Optimization
One of the most important things that an Amazon merchant must learn is optimizing the listing of products to drive sales. This optimization refers to the process of improving product page to increase their click-through rate, visibility, and conversion rate. This process covers image content, text, reviews, and keyword discovery. What is Amazon’s A9 Algorithm? […]
Top Selling Items on Amazon
If you wish to conquer the Amazon market, discovering the best selling items on Amazon is essential. Thanks to the publically available statistics and research provided by Amazon, it’s easy to detect the best options in sales. What merchandise is the most popular? The top selling items on Amazon are countless, but there are some […]
Amazon Associates/Affiliates – make money when other people sell their stuff
Amazon Associates is an easy-peasy means of monetizing your website, blog or social media. Signing up is easy & approval is instantaneous. So whether, you’re a budding capitalist or you’re just to make your time on social media count monetarily, you will find this article helpful by way of setting you up to make thousands […]
DeLessio Thanksgiving 2015
Order Form Please enter the number of portions each item desired as described in the item description. Your order will be emailed to our Catering Department and we will call or email you to confirm your order, pick-up date and time and the total price. If you would like to inquire about a delivery of […]